CLS WINDOW 2,,,16 WINDOW OUTPUT 2 GOSUB sc INPUT "What is your first name? (In ALL CAPS): ",aa$ CLS:LOCATE 8,28 PRINT "* * THE AMAZING ";aa$;" * *" PRINT :PRINT :PRINT :PRINT TAB(12);"Enter your answers to the following questions, and Amy will" PRINT TAB(12);"write you a story, and print it out for you on the printer." LOCATE 22,30 PRINT "Press any key to start." GETKEY: zz$=INKEY$ IF zz$="" GOTO GETKEY GOSUB sc INPUT"Enter a plural noun: ",a$ GOSUB sc INPUT "Enter a noun: ",b$ GOSUB sc INPUT "Enter another noun: ",c$ GOSUB sc INPUT"Enter yet another noun: ",d$ GOSUB sc INPUT"Enter an animal: ",e$ GOSUB sc INPUT "Enter another noun: ",f$ GOSUB sc INPUT"Enter another noun: ",g$ GOSUB sc INPUT"Enter an adjective: ",h$ GOSUB sc INPUT"Enter a noun: ",i$ GOSUB sc INPUT"Enter an adjective: ",j$ GOSUB sc INPUT"Enter a liquid: ",k$ GOSUB sc INPUT"Enter another liquid: ",l$ GOSUB sc INPUT"Enter an adjective: ",m$ GOSUB sc INPUT"Enter a noun: ",n$ GOSUB sc INPUT"Enter a funny word: ",o$ GOSUB sc PRINT "I am now ready to print out your story! Make sure my printer" PRINT :PRINT TAB(10);"is turned on and has paper in it." PRINT :PRINT :PRINT :PRINT TAB(20);"Press any key when you are ready to print." GETKEY2: zz$=INKEY$ IF zz$="" THEN GOTO GETKEY2 WINDOW CLOSE 2 WINDOW OUTPUT 1 LPRINT TAB(18);"* * THE AMAZING ";aa$;" * *" LPRINT:LPRINT:LPRINT LPRINT "Recently on TV, I saw an amazing magician and escape artist." LPRINT "Both of his ";a$;" were laced up in a strait jacket and he was" LPRINT "suspended by a ";b$;" 60 feet in the air over a busy ";c$;"." LPRINT "And he escaped! A man who can do that must be a real ";d$;"." LPRINT "I saw a magician once who put a ";e$;" in a ";f$;" and then" LPRINT "waved his magic ";g$;" and made it disappear. I saw another" LPRINT h$;" magician who sawed a beautiful ";i$;" in half right on" LPRINT "the stage. If you practice, hard there are several ";j$ LPRINT "magic tricks you can learn to do. For instance, you can learn" LPRINT "how to take a glass of ";k$;" and turn it into ";l$;". Or" LPRINT "you can wave a ";m$;" wand in the air and make it turn into a" LPRINT "red ";n$;"! All you have to do is memorize the secret" LPRINT "magic word: '";o$;".'" LPRINT:LPRINT:LPRINT LPRINT "I hope you like your story," LPRINT " Love," LPRINT " * Amy *" END sc: CLS:LOCATE 9,10 RETURN